Welcome to my Character Pages.
You'll find a collection of some my characters that I have created over the course of approximately 20 years of online roleplay.
The characters on this carrd are the Final Fantasy XIV versions of some of them.
Please enjoy sniffing around and browsing.
I look forward to meet some of you ingame.

Cerene Fai'th

Character Quotes:
"Let's find out how well my fist fits your eye socket."
"The road of the honourable may be lonely at times.. but it should never stop you from walking it.""What choice do i have but being strong? If I want to pull through survive and become happy, I don't have a choice, I have to be strong."(Interestingly Bob Marley seemed to have philosophed on that topic. Fits her like a glove.
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.")
Background and Character Informations:
Cerene Fai'th is a die hard Bounty Hunter. After the Imperial Army attacked and burnt down the small village in Garlemald, that she called her home, killing everyone they found, she had been found in the ruins of her burnt down home. Hidden away in a trapdoor cellar room underneath the family house a scavenging Clan of Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries pulled her out of the very trap that saved her life. Having become an orphan at the early age of 8 years that day, the Clan decided to adopt the young girl and to raise her according to their Clans code and rules. A couple of years later, Cerene was merely in her late adolescence, the Clan was also attacked and killed by imperial forces. Once more an orphan, she swore vengeance, having taken her clans teachings to heart. She would never forget them, she would honor them and she would avenge them. She would not give up on her hunger and lust for revenge.
Up to today she is looking to find the murderers of her family. While she sometimes works for Garlean Nobles or Eorzeans alike, she is no friend of the Empire or Eorzea. She walks the Path of Neutrality, following her own code. She can be a strong ally, passionate, honorable, a loyal friend, a fierce fighter and a terrifying enemy if you get on her wrong side.

Bounty Hunter
Sex: Female
Orientation: Hetero

Alcohol (Beer, Whiskey, etc. the stronger the better!)
Guns (specifically her flame thrower)
Solid Cuffs
Likeminded people
Black Humor
Slapstick Humor
Dishonorable acts
Armor prohibition
Drink prohibition
Weapon prohibition
The Imperial Army
someone threatening her friends


Who am "I"?
What is "individualily", "self awareness"?
Am "I" still "I" after death and rebirth?

What does rebirth mean for me?
How do you call it, when multiple physical bodies share not the same but IDENTICAL memories to a certain degree, but have their "individual own memories" and experiences after?What does it mean to be "Human"?
Are Cyborgs or Androids equal to "Humanity"?
Equal in terms of human rights in front of law based on their on conscience and self awareness?
Does being partially or fully synthetic change the definition -YOUR- definition of being human?Do "I" have the same rights as "YOU"?Blue, F00-SIC

Foxy Mittens

Who am "I"?
What is "individualily", "self awareness"?
Am "I" still "I" after death and rebirth?

What does rebirth mean for me?
How do you call it, when multiple physical bodies share not the same but IDENTICAL memories to a certain degree, but have their "individual own memories" and experiences after?What does it mean to be "Human"?
Are Cyborgs or Androids equal to "Humanity"?
Equal in terms of human rights in front of law based on their on conscience and self awareness?
Does being partially or fully synthetic change the definition -YOUR- definition of being human?Do "I" have the same rights as "YOU"?Foxy Mittens, F00-SIC 2

Reija Maredith

Wytch Porcelain


Jikaila Siqsa

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Tifah Moonborn

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Cadros Moonborn

Cadros is a Xaela who decends from the Chaghan Tribe. Having grown up in the hostile environment of the Steppe, he later on decided that living in the Steppe was not, what he fancied.
Nhadaam and the believes of his and other tribes did not interest him.
He does not believe in the common belief of rebirth. Having seen so many of his own family fall during Nhadaam made him question and reconsider his options over the years. His plans to reign and get power involved a larger scale than the Steppe. He would not sit in the wild fighting over the Dawn Throne or die in any further attempts to do so.
Having a hunger for power and influence made him leave the Steppe to explore the world and quickly made him pick up illegal business, becoming very connected with organized crime, black markets, drug trade and human trafficing.
He is still cooperating with his tribe, sending home resources and slaves or other wares to his tribe or selling their goods elsewhere on other markets to keep the connection with his roots and yet being able to live his own life far away from the Steppe.
While he is an outsider, due to his dealings and actions he is not an outcast and valuable resource for his tribe.
That he has struck a deal with certain Garlean Nobles and Imperials to ensure his tribe is to be left alone is one of his best hidden secrets.
His quiet dominant nature and high level of self control over his emotions are standing out.
Cadros is a predator through and through, his unnerving stare and glare can sometimes cause an insecure feeling in those being stared at.
He has fought hard to not fall under the Will of Karash often, ever since he left the Steppe.
If being provoked the risk remains that the Will of Karash may break loose, awakening from being dormant in this very tall Aura male who can proudly call 8 horns his own.
Cadros with is 2,74 yalms is very tall, rivaling the height of the average 2,50 yalm tall Olkunds.
Cadros has 8 horns on his head, of which four are pominent and huge, while the other four are smaller and spikey on the back of his head. Pity to those souls who try slapping the back of his head. They may be in for some piercing pain.
Cadros, given the chance or choice will try utilising his horns in combat.
His scales are of a dark metallic silver yet looking like cracked lava with pulsing parts of fiery orange and yellow.
His eyes are of a deep golden color, with a fiery limbal ring with a charcoal black reptile pupil in their center.
When speaking large canines can be spotted in his upper and lower jaw.
His forked tail can form into a wedge and upon anger can sometimes produce clicking or quiet rattle sounds, however, it doesn't happen often.


OOC and IC are NOT the same thing, and should not be treated as such. My character is a work of fiction. What my character says or does will not reflect the player. It represents the character as such.I am not interested in a romantic, real-life relationship, or to be your therapist.I am interested in like-minded friendship, to create fictional stories with. Stories don't affect the character in a negative way without my OOC buy-in.I ask that OOC/IC be kept separated from each other.
